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Hurricane Beryl: Your Guide to Home Recovery

Hurricane Beryl has left its mark on our Houston community, and if you’re reading this, chances are you’re dealing with its aftermath. We understand this is a challenging time, and that’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide. We’ll walk you through understanding the damage, assessing your home, navigating insurance claims, and taking steps to protect your property in the future.

Hurricane Beryl: What We're Dealing With

Let’s start by putting Beryl into perspective. This wasn’t just a bad storm – it was a force of nature that reshaped our landscape overnight.

The Numbers Tell a Story

  • Beryl made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane near Matagorda
  • Wind gusts reached a whopping 84 mph at Hobby Airport
  • Some areas saw over 14 inches of rain in a matter of hours
  • More than 2.2 million of us lost power

While Beryl wasn’t as severe as Harvey, it’s a stark reminder of our region’s vulnerability to these storms. Now, let’s look at what this means for our homes.

infographic talking about some of the data of hurricane beryl

Understanding Hurricane Damage

When we talk about hurricane damage, most people think of flooding and torn-off roofs. But the reality is much more complex. Let’s break it down:

Types of Damage You Might Be Facing

  1. Water Damage: This encompasses both flooding and storm surges. Water is often the most destructive force in a hurricane, causing immediate damage and long-term issues like mold growth and structural weakening. Even a few inches of water can lead to thousands in repairs.
  2. Wind Damage: Hurricane-force winds can tear off roofing, break windows, and turn loose objects into projectiles. The resulting openings in your home’s exterior often lead to water intrusion, compounding the damage. Wind damage can also affect power lines, leading to outages.
  3. Structural Damage: This is the most serious category, often resulting from a combination of water and wind forces. It includes foundation issues, wall damage, and roof problems. Structural damage can render a home unsafe and typically requires significant, costly repairs.
  4. Utility Disruptions: Hurricanes frequently knock out power, water, gas, and communication lines. While often temporary, extended outages like we’ve seen with Beryl can lead to additional problems like food spoilage, lack of climate control, and communication difficulties.

Understanding these categories helps you assess your home more effectively and prioritize both immediate repairs and long-term resilience strategies. In the next section, we’ll explore how these different types of damage can interact, potentially leading to more serious issues if not addressed promptly.

When Storm Damage Compounds Into Lasting Problems

Now that we’ve covered the initial types of hurricane damage, it’s time to understand how these issues can interact and escalate if left unaddressed. This knowledge will help you prioritize repairs and potentially save you from costlier problems down the line.

How Small Problems Become Big Ones

  1. Leaky Roof: What starts as a few missing shingles can quickly become a major issue. Water infiltration through even small roof damage can lead to:
    • Saturated attic insulation, reducing its effectiveness and increasing energy costs
    • Mold growth in hard-to-reach areas, potentially affecting air quality
    • Weakened structural elements like roof trusses or ceiling joists
  2. Hidden Moisture: Water that seeps into walls or under floors often goes unnoticed initially. Over time, this can result in:
    • Warped or buckled flooring
    • Deterioration of drywall and interior finishes
    • Compromised electrical systems, posing safety hazards
  3. Foundation Shifts: Changes in soil moisture from flooding can cause subtle foundation movements. While not immediately apparent, this can lead to:
    • Cracks in walls or ceilings
    • Doors and windows that no longer close properly
    • Uneven floors that worsen over time
  4. HVAC System Strain: If your HVAC system survives the initial storm, it may still face challenges:
    • Ductwork exposed to moisture can develop mold, circulating spores throughout your home
    • Systems working harder to dehumidify may lead to increased wear and energy costs
    • Debris in outdoor units can cause long-term efficiency issues
  5. The Nature of Saltwater: For coastal homes, saltwater intrusion presents unique challenges:
    • Accelerated corrosion of metal components in your home’s structure and systems
    • Long-term damage to concrete and masonry surfaces
    • Soil contamination that can affect landscaping and foundations

Understanding these interconnected issues underscores the importance of thorough, professional assessments after a hurricane. What might seem like minor damage could be the tip of the iceberg.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the process of conducting a comprehensive home inspection. This will help you identify both obvious and hidden damage, ensuring you don’t overlook critical issues that could worsen over time.

hurricane beryl and insulation hvac damage infographic

Assessing the Storm's Damage to Your Property:

Now that you understand how different types of hurricane damage can compound, it’s time to put on your detective hat. A thorough inspection is crucial for identifying both obvious and hidden issues. Here’s how to approach your post-hurricane home assessment:

Your Step-by-Step Damage Detection Guide

    1. Safety First: Before you begin, ensure it’s safe to inspect your property. Look out for:
      • Downed power lines
      • Unstable structures
      • Standing water (which may be electrically charged) If you’re unsure, wait for professional clearance.
    2. Document Everything:
      • Take dated photos and videos of all damage, even minor issues
      • Make detailed notes to accompany your visual evidence
      • This documentation is crucial for insurance claims and tracking the progression of damage
    3. Exterior Inspection: Start from the outside and work your way in:
      • Roof: Look for missing shingles, damaged flashing, or dented vents
      • Walls: Check for cracks, holes, or separated siding
      • Foundation: Note any new cracks or shifts
      • Windows and Doors: Test for proper operation and water tightness
    4. Interior Room-by-Room Check:
      • Ceilings: Look for water stains, sagging, or cracks
      • Walls: Check for dampness, softness, or bubbling paint
      • Floors: Feel for unusually soft spots or new unevenness
      • Windows and Doors: Test for smooth operation and signs of water intrusion
    5. Attic Investigation: This is where hidden damage often lurks:
      • Look for daylight through the roof decking
      • Check insulation for dampness or compression
      • Inspect for signs of mold or wood rot
    6. Basement and Crawl Space Examination:
      • Check for standing water or signs of water intrusion
      • Look for cracks in the foundation walls
      • Inspect for mold growth or musty odors
    7. Systems Check:
      • HVAC: Run your system to check for unusual noises or odors
      • Plumbing: Check for leaks or changes in water pressure
      • Electrical: Look for any signs of water damage to outlets or fixtures
    8. Outdoor Areas: Don’t forget about your yard and outdoor structures:
      • Check trees for dangerous hanging limbs
      • Inspect fences, sheds, and other structures for damage
      • Look for signs of erosion or changes in drainage patterns
Post storm inspection check list

Remember, some damage may not be immediately apparent. If you’re unsure about anything, or if you suspect hidden damage, don’t hesitate to call in professionals. At EZ Attic Insulation, we specialize in thorough attic and insulation inspections, which are crucial for identifying often-overlooked hurricane damage.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the process of documenting and reporting this damage to your insurance company. Proper documentation is key to ensuring you receive fair compensation for repairs and restoration.

Navigating Post-Hurricane Insurance Claims:

Now that you’ve thoroughly assessed and documented the damage to your home, it’s time to translate that information into an effective insurance claim. This process can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can maximize your chances of a fair settlement.

Your Insurance Claim Game Plan

Review Your Policy:

  • Before filing, understand what’s covered and what’s not
  • Pay special attention to hurricane deductibles, which often differ from standard deductibles
  • Note any time limits for filing claims

Contact Your Insurer Promptly:

  • Report your claim as soon as possible
  • Get a claim number and the name of your assigned adjuster
  • Ask about the next steps and expected timeline

Organize Your Documentation:

  • Compile all photos, videos, and notes from your inspection
  • Create a detailed inventory of damaged items, including estimated values
  • Keep receipts for any emergency repairs or temporary lodging

Prepare for the Adjuster’s Visit:

  • Be present during the inspection if possible
  • Point out all damage, including less obvious issues
  • Provide your own documentation to support your claim

Get Multiple Repair Estimates:

  • Obtain at least three estimates from reputable contractors
  • Ensure estimates are detailed and cover all necessary repairs
  • Don’t feel pressured to use the insurance company’s preferred contractors

Understand the Settlement Offer:

  • Review the adjuster’s report carefully
  • Don’t rush to accept the first offer if it seems low
  • Be prepared to negotiate, using your documentation and repair estimates as leverage

Keep Detailed Records:

  • Log all communications with your insurance company
  • Save emails and take notes during phone calls
  • Document any delays or issues in the claims process

Consider Professional Help:

  • For complex claims, consider hiring a public adjuster
  • Consult with a lawyer if you feel your claim is being unfairly denied or undervalued

Stay Persistent:

  • Follow up regularly on your claim’s status
  • Don’t be afraid to escalate issues to supervisors if necessary
  • Remember, you’re your own best advocate in this process

Plan for the Long-Term:

  • Consider how repairs might improve your home’s resilience
  • Discuss options for upgrading insulation or HVAC systems during repairs
  • Think about how to document improvements for future insurance purposes
Insurance Takeaways infographic for EZ Attic for post hurricane damages

Remember, the claims process can be lengthy, especially after a major hurricane. Patience and persistence are key. At EZ Attic Insulation, we’re experienced in working with insurance claims for attic and insulation damage. We can provide detailed assessments and estimates to support your claim and ensure your home is restored to its best possible condition.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how to approach the repair and recovery process, focusing on not just fixing damage, but improving your home’s resilience against future storms.

Storm Recovery and Repair: Our Recommendations

With your insurance claim underway, it’s time to focus on repairs and improvements. At EZ Attic Insulation, we believe in not just restoring your home, but enhancing its ability to withstand future storms. Let’s explore how to turn this challenging situation into an opportunity for improvement.

Strategic Approach to Home Recovery

Prioritize Repairs:

  • Address critical issues first, such as roof damage or structural concerns
  • Focus on repairs that prevent further damage, like sealing leaks
  • Consider the long-term impact of each repair decision

Upgrade While Repairing:

  • Use impact-resistant materials for roof and siding replacements
  • Install hurricane-rated windows and doors if replacements are needed
  • Consider adding a secondary water barrier under new roofing

Attic and Insulation Overhaul:

  • Replace wet or compressed insulation with higher R-value options
  • Improve attic ventilation to reduce moisture buildup and heat accumulation
  • Consider radiant barrier installation to enhance energy efficiency

HVAC System Improvements:

  • If replacing, choose energy-efficient models suited for humid climates
  • Elevate outdoor units above potential flood levels
  • Seal and insulate ductwork to improve efficiency and indoor air quality

Electrical System Safeguards:

  • Elevate electrical systems and switches in flood-prone areas
  • Install surge protectors to guard against lightning strikes
  • Consider a whole-house generator for future power outages

Water Management Enhancements:

  • Improve grading around your foundation to direct water away
  • Install or upgrade gutters and downspouts
  • Consider adding a sump pump in the basement or crawl spaces

Mold Prevention Strategies:

  • Use mold-resistant materials in high-moisture areas
  • Improve bathroom and kitchen ventilation
  • Apply mold-inhibiting primers before repainting

Smart Home Technology Integration:

  • Install water leak detectors in prone areas
  • Consider smart thermostats for better climate control and energy savings
  • Add security cameras for monitoring during future evacuations

Landscaping for Protection:

  • Plant native, wind-resistant trees and shrubs
  • Create swales or rain gardens to manage water runoff
  • Use permeable materials for driveways and walkways to reduce flooding

Document Improvements:

  • Keep detailed records of all upgrades and improvements
  • Update your home inventory for insurance purposes
  • Consider getting a new home appraisal to reflect the increased value

EZ Attic's Services for Post Storm Care

At EZ Attic Insulation, we specialize in turning your attic and insulation into a fortress against future storms. Our services include:


By focusing on these often-overlooked areas, we can significantly improve your home’s resilience and energy efficiency. Remember, every repair is an opportunity to build back stronger.

Houston Strong inspirational image for post hurricane blog

Embracing a Resilient Post-Beryl Future for Houston

As we’ve journeyed through the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, from understanding the types of damage to navigating insurance claims and implementing strategic repairs, one thing becomes clear: recovery is an opportunity for renewal and reinforcement.

The steps you take now – thorough damage assessment, diligent documentation, smart insurance negotiations, and strategic improvements – are not just about bouncing back from Beryl. They’re about bouncing forward, creating a home that’s more resilient, efficient, and prepared for whatever nature might throw our way next.

Remember, at EZ Attic Insulation, we’re more than just insulation experts. We’re your partners in creating a safer, more comfortable, and more energy-efficient home. Our comprehensive attic services are designed to be a cornerstone of your home’s defense against future storms and a key to year-round comfort and savings.

Don’t wait for the next hurricane warning to think about your home’s resilience. Whether you need immediate post-Beryl repairs or want to proactively strengthen your home, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a thorough attic assessment and let’s work together to turn your home into a model of hurricane readiness and energy efficiency.

Stay safe, stay prepared, and let’s build a more resilient community, one home at a time.

Trust Your Home with Houston's Experts

Reach out to EZ Attic Insulation for expert guidance on choosing the best insulation service for your home. 

Schedule a free consultation today!