top 5 reasons a home has a high energy bills from ez attic insulation

5 Reasons Your Electric Bills Are High

Wondering why your electric bill seems to jump higher every month? You’re not alone.

Many homeowners face this issue without realizing the cause is right in their own homes. From the attic down to your appliances, several factors can crank up your energy usage.

In this blog, we’ll break down the top 5 reasons your electric bill might be higher than usual and share some tips on how to turn things around. With a few adjustments, you could see a big difference in your monthly bills.

1. The Hidden Costs Of Bad/Old Insulation

If your home isn’t keeping cool in summer or warm in winter, poor insulation might be to blame.

Good insulation acts like a thermal barrier, keeping outside temperatures from invading your home. This means your HVAC doesn’t have to work as hard, saving you money. However, if insulation is lacking, especially in the attic, you could be losing precious cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter, leading to higher electric bills.

Improving your home’s insulation could be the game-changer you need to cut those high energy costs. Many homeowners overlook this aspect, but it’s a big factor in energy efficiency. Whether it’s installing more insulation to your attic, checking for gaps in your walls, or simply updating old insulation materials, taking steps to improve insulation can make a big difference. Not only will it help lower your electric bill, but it will also improve the overall comfort of your home, making it a win-win situation.

Types of Insulation to Consider:

  • Fiberglass Insulation: Common and cost-effective, suitable for attics and walls.
  • Spray Foam Insulation: Offers excellent air sealing and thermal resistance, ideal for gaps and leaks.
  • Batt Insulation: Easy to install and fits snugly between joists and studs. Best for garage insulation and wall insulation.
old insulation in a houston home about to be removed from ez attic insulation

Get FREE Assessment & Start Saving Today!

Identify areas of energy waste and opportunities for savings with a professional assesment from EZ Attic Insulation.

2. The Drain Of An Outdated HVAC System

The second reason would be an old or inefficient HVAC system behind high electric bills. As any systems age, they often work harder, in this case to heat or cool your home, using more energy and still not achieving the desired comfort level. Newer models are designed with energy efficiency in mind, offering better temperature control and lower operating costs.

Upgrading your HVAC system might seem like a big investment upfront, but the savings on your monthly bills and the improved comfort in your home can make it worthwhile

Tips to Address Poor HVAC Performance:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual check-ups to keep your system running smoothly.
  • Change Filters Regularly: A clean filter improves airflow and system efficiency.
  • Upgrade to an Upgraded Model: Consider replacing your old system with an energy-efficient one.
  • Install a Programmable Thermostat: Gain better control over your heating and cooling, reducing unnecessary usage.
  • Seal and Insulate Ductwork: Prevent loss of conditioned air and improve system performance.
air ducts service at a houston home by ez attic insulation

3. Smart Thermostat Use & HVAC Use

Overworking your HVAC system by setting the thermostat too low in summer or too high in winter can significantly increase your electric bills.

Poor thermostat management often results from trying to combat heat gain or loss due to inadequate insulation or air leaks. Keeping your home at extreme temperatures puts unnecessary strain on your HVAC, leading to poor results and higher costs.

A smarter approach is to use programmable thermostats to maintain a comfortable, steady temperature that doesn’t overtax your system.

At EZ Attic Insulation, we understand the balance between comfortable home and manageable energy bills. We are one of the few insulation companies in Houston that offer a full insulation service with along with HVAC services. That’s why we offer a free inspection of your home to check both insulation levels and HVAC performance.

4. Air Leaks, Sealing The Gaps & HVAC Use

Air leaks around your home, especially in the attic, can lead to unwanted hot or cold air sneaking in, disrupting your comfort and driving up your electric bill.

These leaks not only make it harder to maintain a stable indoor temperature but also leave a door open for your old insulation to creep into your home from your attic and  forcing your HVAC system to work overtime.

Sealing these leaks, particularly in the attic where they’re most prevalent, can prevent outside air from entering. We recommend sealing these air leaks with spray foam insulation, this helps you maintain a more consistent and comfortable indoor environment.

5. Outdated Appliances

Old appliances suck up a lot of energy. Things like your fridge, washer, dryer, and oven use tons of power, especially if they’re really old models. Getting new energy-efficient appliances can save you big bucks every month on your electric bill.

Try this to help you save:

  • Replace that ancient fridge and freezer first – they’re energy hogs
  • Look for washers and dryers with special energy-saving cycles
  • Upgrade to a new oven that cooks food faster
  • Use appliances’ energy-saving modes or unplug them when not using
  • Keep appliances cleaned and maintained so they run better

Switching to modern, energy-star rated appliances and using them wisely lets you spend way less on electricity costs. The savings add up fast!

Save Big with EZ Attic Insulation's Energy-Saving Services

If you’re looking to significantly reduce your energy costs, EZ Attic Insulation in Houston offers a range of solutions to improve your home’s efficiency. In addition to providing the best attic insulation services, we also insulate walls, garages, and other areas to maximize thermal performance.

Our team of Energy Efficient Specialist can assess your HVAC system and recommend air duct replacements, cleanings, or upgrades to ensure optimal airflow and temperature control. By addressing insulation inadequacies and HVAC problems, you can drive down those persistently high electricity bills. Contact EZ Attic Insulation today to schedule a FREE energy assessment and take the first step towards a more comfortable, energy-efficient home.

Boost Efficiency and Cut Costs

From insulation to HVAC upgrades, EZ Attic Insulation provides the solutions you need to maximize energy efficiency and slash your utility expenses.