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How to Reduce Attic Temperatures

Beat the Heat

Are you tired of your attic turning into a sauna during the hot Houston summers? High attic temperatures can lead to a host of problems, including increased energy bills, mold growth, and damage to your roof and stored items.

Fortunately, EZ Attic Insulation, Houston’s Insulation Experts, has the solutions you need to keep your attic cool and your home comfortable. Read on in this blog to learn more about what you can do to lower temperatures before the summer arrives!

Why Is a Hot Attic Bad?

First, let’s start by addressing that a hot attic can affect the energy performance of your entire home! This leads to an overworked HVAC unit and ultimately higher energy bills and reduced comfort levels.

Excessive heat in the attic can also contribute to moisture issues, particularly with poor sealing. Temperature differences between a cool living room and a hot attic if not properly sealed can result in humidity and condensation, creating wet insulation

Additionally, extreme temperatures (with or without moisture concerns) can damage any belongings you store in the attic, leading to the loss of treasured heirlooms and stowed valuables.

What is the Optimum Temperature for an Attic?

Now that we understand the problems heat in the attic can create, we need to define what “hot” means. Ideally, there should only be a 10 to 20-degree difference between your attic temperature and the outdoor temperature. We recommend monitoring this by keeping a thermometer in your attic and checking it at various points in the day to get accurate data. 

If you’ve concluded that your attic is far hotter than it should be, you’ll likely be looking on what solutions you can implement to make it cooler.

Cooling Solutions for Your Attic


Proper ventilation is key to reducing attic temperatures. Assess your current ventilation system and consider improvements, such as installing additional vents or a roof exhaust. These enhancements will promote natural air circulation and help keep your attic cool.

Solar Attic Fans

Solar attic fans are an efficient and cost-effective way to reduce attic heat. These fans are automatically operated by a thermostat, ensuring that your attic is cooled only when necessary. Solar fans are easy for insulation professionals like EZ Attic to install and can help lower your energy bills, reduce the risk of mold, and protect your roof.

Effective Sealing

Ensuring that your attic is properly sealed can help prevent hot air from entering your home. Check for gaps or cracks around attic access points, such as doors or hatches, and seal them with weatherstripping or caulk. Additionally, make sure that any penetrations for pipes, ducts, or wires are properly sealed to minimize air leakage.

Optimum Insulation

Installing the appropriate level of insulation in your attic can significantly reduce heat transfer into your home. If your existing insulation is old or performing poorly, consider removing it and replacing it with new, high-quality insulation. The appropriate R-value, a measure of insulation’s effectiveness, varies by region. In Houston, aim for an R-value between R-30 and R-60 for optimal attic insulation.

Keep Your Home Cool with EZ Attic Insulation

Don’t let a hot attic ruin your summer. By implementing these cooling solutions and tips, you can reduce your attic temperature, lower your energy bills, and maintain a comfortable living space. If you need assistance with attic insulation or ventilation, contact EZ Attic Insulation today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you beat the heat.

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