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Keep Your Houston Attic Pest-Free

While EZ Attic Insulation isn’t a pest control company, we’ve seen our fair share of pests in our customer’s attics. From bugs to skeletal remains, attics are a pest haven if left unattended. 

Thankfully, our services can play a big role in protecting your home from unwanted visitors. And this is especially relevant in our hometown of Houston, where the warm and humid climate makes pests a year-round problem. Let’s explore how our attic services contribute to pest prevention and control.

Common Pests in Houston Homes

Houston’s climate creates an ideal environment for various pests. Some of the most common invaders include:

  1. Rodents (rats and mice)
  2. Raccoons
  3. Squirrels
  4. Bats
  5. Opossums
  6. Cockroaches
  7. Termites
  8. Ants


These pests can cause significant damage to your home’s structure and pose health risks to your family.

Signs of Pest Infestation in Your Attic

Recognizing the symptoms of a pest problem early can save you from costly repairs and health hazards. Look out for these signs:

  • Unusual noises in the walls or ceiling, especially at night
  • Droppings or urine stains
  • Gnaw marks on wood, wires, or insulation
  • Nests made of shredded paper, fabric, or insulation
  • Foul odors
  • Visible pest sightings
  • Unexplained stains on ceilings or walls
  • Increased indoor allergies 


If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take action.

How EZ Attic Insulation Helps Combat Pests

While we’re not pest control experts, our services are designed to make your attic less appealing to pests and help prevent infestations. Here’s how we can help:

1. Insulation Removal

Old, damaged insulation can harbor pests and their sickness-containing droppings. Our professional insulation removal service eliminates these hiding spots and nesting materials.

2. Attic Sanitization

After removing old insulation, we thoroughly sanitize your attic space. This process eliminates odors that might attract pests and creates a clean slate for new insulation.

3. Air Duct Cleaning

Air Ducts can host a slew of problems affecting your air quality. This is especially true if your attic space is playing host to pests, whose hair and waste may end up in your HVAC system and ducts.

4. Air Sealing

Pests often enter homes through small gaps and cracks. Our air sealing service closes off these entry points, making it much harder for critters to invade your living space.

5. Screen Installation

We install durable screens over vents and other openings, allowing for proper ventilation while keeping pests out.

6. Pest-Resistant Insulation Installation

The insulation we install is specially designed to be pest-resistant. It’s made of materials that pests find irritating, discouraging them from nesting or traveling through it. This insulation is also moisture-resistant, which is crucial in Houston’s humid climate. Moisture-resistant insulation helps prevent mold growth, which can attract certain pests.

Benefits of Our Pest-Resistant, Moisture-Resistant Insulation

  • Discourages pests from nesting or traveling through your attic
  • Maintains its effectiveness even in Houston’s high-humidity environment
  • Helps regulate your home’s temperature, potentially lowering energy bills
  • Doesn’t provide a food source for pests like some organic insulation materials might
  • Long-lasting and durable, providing ongoing protection against pests and moisture

Prevention is Key

While our services can significantly reduce the likelihood of pest infestations, it’s important to remain vigilant. Regular attic inspections, prompt repairs of any damage, and maintaining a clean environment around your home are all crucial steps in pest prevention.

Remember, if you suspect a severe pest infestation, it’s best to contact a professional pest control service. At EZ Attic Insulation, we’re here to complement their efforts by making your attic as inhospitable to pests as possible.

Ready to pest-proof your attic? Contact EZ Attic Insulation today for a consultation. Let us help you create a cleaner, safer, and more energy-efficient home environment.

Trust Your Home with Houston's Experts

Reach out to EZ Attic Insulation for expert guidance on choosing the best insulation service for your home. 

Schedule a free consultation today!