old insulation ready to be removed in a Houston home

DIY vs Professional Attic Insulation in 2024

Save the Hassle, Go with the Pros

It’s no surprise that many Houstonians want their home ready for the moody weather extremes that the city dishes out! From blistering heat, to frigid cold fronts, a smart choice for many homeowners to take is insulating their home’s attic and garage. And in a time where doing-it-yourself has become more and more popular, we see time and time again the same struggles:

Lack of Equipment, Lack of Expertise, and an Absolute shock of the physical toll this particular project can take! Many DIY projects can be fun; insulation is not one of those.

Yes, this particular kind of project is burdensome for many fly-by-night operations and over-optimistic go-getters, but not for professionals like EZ Attic Insulation. EZ Attic is your local houston attic, home and garage insulation specialists!

We have the knowledge, tools, and manpower to turn your next insulation project from a nightmare to a dream come true! In this blog post, we’ll go over a couple of the reasons why you might want to reconsider doing your next attic insulation job yourself and leave it to the pros! And if you’re ready to get a professional start on your project, call us today at 713-909-0390 or message us directly on your favorite social media platform!

Safety First: Reasons to use Professional Installation

Let’s start this run-through of reasons by looking at the most important one, you and your home’s safety! If you asked anyone, even just poking around in an attic, how important safety is to them, you’re sure to get a clear and resounding, “Very!”. While the sentiment surrounding safety is objectively a no-brainer, many inexperienced homeowners find themselves in over their head as they’re facing property damage, injury, and even heat exhaustion.

a man experiencing a heat wave due to bad insulation

Don’t let old insulation heat up your home.

Many homeowners dread the thought of even going into their attic to move their boxes of decorations, keepsakes, or whatever is in -that- unlabeled mystery box. This is because of how dangerous every step can feel up there, even in newer homes. The threat of stepping in the wrong spot, twisting an ankle, and creating a hole in the ceiling below may make for a funny story one day, but it isn’t exactly something you’d wish on yourself.

What’s more, were you aware that the summer of 2023 marked Harris County’s deadliest in over five years, with fatalities primarily attributed to heat-related causes? Don’t let yourself become a statistic in what can be the hottest area in your home. Let the Pros at EZ Attic Insulation handle the hard work for you.

Now that we’ve covered why safety is such an important reason on why you should skip the DIY insulation installation project, let’s look at what else the pros at EZ Attic bring that’s hard to replicate on your own.

Insulation Experience is Key

If you were asked what the ventilation requirements are in your attic per 150 square feet, would you know? What if you were asked what the resistance rating of your insulation would need to be and why that’s important? Do you know what equipment you need to consider blown or spray foam insulation as viable and the safe options for your attic upgrades? If you answered correctly and confidently to each of these, color us impressed at your dedication to your attic. But if you’re like most homeowners, we’re guessing you are caught a bit off-guard and stuck with a lot of guesswork.

New insulation packaged ready to be installed in a home

EZ Attic Insulation professional insulation installation services

So take the guesswork and late night YouTube tutorials out of the equation by placing it in EZ Attic Insulation’s hands. We are experts in our field and have the proper equipment to back it up. Call us today at 713-909-0390 and book a consultation to get your attic and peace of mind…well insulated.

A Note to Anyone still on the Fence

You’ve kept on so far with this insulation blog post and you’ve decided that maybe you should get a professional to handle the new insulation installation to your home. But, you think to yourself, “I’ve weighed the well-reasoned risks of safety and lack of safety on my end, I’m sure I could at least remove that old insulation! After all, I built an IKEA shelf just yesterday!”.

While we admire your determination going into this half-measure of a project, we want to remind you once more how difficult, and how potentially dangerous this task can be. Without the proper equipment and knowledgeable crew, you’ll be spending all day in your attic lugging bags and bags of insulation (a known skin and lung irritant), as you slowly find yourself wishing you called us.

Don’t put that burden on yourself. Trust this one to the pros. 

Remove that Old Insulation Today!

Trust EZ Attic Insulation for your Houston attic and garage insulation needs today! Give us a call today at 713-909-0390 or message us on Facebook or Instagram! You, your attic, and your sanity, will be happy you did.