Banner-6 Signs your home has poor insulation (and how to check)

6 Signs - Your Home Has Poor Insulation - And How to Check

Is your home as energy efficient as it could be? Is your attic insulation still doing its job? Many homeowners don’t think about these questions until they see an outrageous energy bill, or worse. But you don’t have to wait until catastrophe strikes! There are easier ways to check if your home’s insulation deserves a tune-up.

Today, we'll be asking questions every homewoner should ask:

How Old is Your Insulation?

Much like homes themselves, attic insulation ages. And with age comes less energy efficiency. Can you believe that sometimes we find that insulation hasn’t been replaced since the home was first built? 

This is especially a problem if your home was constructed before the 1980s. Insulation installed 40-plus years ago was not to the same standard we have today. For example, homes built in the 1970s often only have an insulation rating of R-19, compared to modern Houston area attics which are at least double the rating!

Aside from the R-values, the materials used have also advanced. Let’s take a look, using EZ Attic as an example.

EZ Attic offers the most modern insulation services:

It’s also a good rule of thumb to replace your attic’s insulation every 15-20 years, depending on the material used. This regular replacement leads to one of the best energy-saving improvements for older homes. 

If you’ve done the math and have come to the conclusion your insulation is due for replacement, give us a call and set up a free quote.

Have You Noticed Frequent Pest Intrusions?

Sure, Houston is full of animals and bugs of all sizes: Mosquitos, Roaches, Squirrels, and Crows! But that doesn’t mean they belong in your house! If you hear scurrying when there shouldn’t be, you likely have gaps where pests can break in.

A woman being overwhelmed by pesky bugs and other pests. This invasion is due to poor insulation in her home!

Attics should have robust insulation barriers and appropriate sealing around all of your:

  • Eaves
  • Roof vents
  • Electrical boxes and wiring
  • Pipes and plumbing penetrations
  • Ducts and HVAC equipment

If left to their own devices, these pests can lead to:

  • An Increased fire risk due to chewed electrical wiring
  • The degradation of your  insulation’s R-value
  • The contamination of your attics wood, insulation, and belongings
  • The spread of bacteria, viruses, and mold
  • The eventual spread of pests to your living areas

If you’ve noticed an increased presence of pests in your home, it’s time for an insulation and sealing overhaul. Contact us today to learn more!

Do You See Areas with Water Damage?

As anyone in Houston can tell you, Houston is a very wet and humid city. But did you know that we receive an average of 51.84 inches of rain a year?

Signs of water damage on the ceiling, which is a common sign of poor insulation in an attic.

This regular rainfall results in moisture. Insulation controls moisture through building envelopes in your home. But when a home’s insulation isn’t sufficient, hot and humid air will eventually find its way to your home’s cold surfaces. This results in condensation!

Here’s a short list of consequences and easy ways to spot them!

  • Peels or bubbles paint – Look for cracks, flakes, or blisters
  • Warps siding – Examine for buckled or wavy planks
  • Grows mold – Check for musty smells or black spotting
  • Rots wood – Probe for soft decking or roof beams
  • Discolors stone – Note any white deposits
  • Damages insulation – Find darkened, damp, or compressed areas
  • Frost builds up on windows – Visible despite warmer temperatures

If your Houston home has any of these red flags, poor insulation is to blame. Here at EZ Attic Insulation, we recommend upgrading your insulation when these issues present themselves in your home. Contact us today to learn how an insulation renovation can save you from costly repairs caused by Houston’s moist climate!

Are Your Energy Costs Higher Than Your Neighbor’s?

A homeowner looking through their window at their neighbor, wondering if they are paying in more in utility bills due to poor insulation.

Ever feel like your neighbor’s home must have better insulation than yours? You know, the neighbors who always seem to have their windows open while your AC strains to keep up on hot summer days? If you’re wondering if your home is struggling to keep up with the Joneses, you should look for these signs. 

A few indicators that your home insulation lags include:

  • Your monthly energy bills are higher than nearby homes
  • There are unusual spikes in energy bills
  • You regularly have to play with the thermostat 
  • Rooms have uneven temperatures throughout the home
  • You regularly buy quick fixes like space heaters and fans

Do any of these sound familiar? Then you should know that upgrading your home’s attic, garage, and wall’s insulation provides the biggest bang for your buck, creating a more even and stable temperature all around your home. 

Does Your Family Suffer from Allergies?

Sniffling, sneezing, coughing – allergy struggles can plague whole families! If you are constantly battling dust, dander, and mold, your insulation may be the enabler making conditions worse. 

Some signs your insulation has stopped protecting you from allergens:

  • Sneezing spells when accessing attic storage areas
  • Lingering stuffiness hours after leaving the house
  • Getting physically ill soon after moving into a new home
  • Nagging cough triggered when lying in bed near windows
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath in kids’ bedrooms upstairs
  • Pets with dermatitis or respiratory issues indoors

Managing illness and allergies takes time and money that you could spend elsewhere for your family. Before the headache and doctor bills, your first defense could be creating a home that allows you and your family to breathe easy.

Get in contact today with EZ Attic to learn more about how you can better protect your family’s home against allergens.

Is Your Home Noisier Than You’d Prefer?

Screeching tires, blaring horns, bumping bass. Dogs barking, babies squealing, plumbing clanking. Whispers, footsteps, and ticking clocks all amplified. Drip drip drip, water leaks echoing too! Noise like this can make relaxation impossible!


If all the racket in and outside of your home is past what you can bear, your poor insulation allowing the sound to pass is likely to blame.

Telltale signs of noise pollution from poor insulation:

  • Your need to constantly keep doors and windows closed
  • You have difficulty sleeping even while wearing earplugs
  • You hear planes soaring overhead when you’re nowhere near an airport
  • Your neighbor’s barking dog seems like it’s inside your house
  • Your laundry room’s dryer can be heard throughout the house

Why do all of these examples happen? Well, in empty spaces in your walls and attics, sound bounces chaotically from end to end. And how do we control the chaos? By adding insulation! This introduces dense material that, beyond its other temperature-regulating qualities, absorbs irritating sound vibrations. 

Methods like installing spray foam insulation or sound-blocking batts in gaps work wonders acting as a sound dampener. Interested in learning more about how these materials and more can help lead a quieter, more peaceful home?

What are Your Next Steps?

Have you identified any of these common signs of poor insulation, then it’s time to upgrade your insulation. You could do it yourself, as the popular DIY trend has led most to believe. However, as we have discussed in previous blogs, the DIY route is not always the best for your safety or a polished result. 

Contact the insulation professionals at EZ Attic Insulation for a free quote on removing your old insulation and installing fresh insulation the right way! We turn houses with problems like the ones in this blog into inviting homes every day.

Replace that Poor Performing Insulation!

Trust EZ Attic Insulation to remove your outdated insulated and replace it the right way. We treat every attic like it’s our own. Call us today  at 713-909-0390 or message us on Facebook or Instagram